Monday, February 3, 2014

Monster Review

Year: April 7, 2004 to September 28, 2005
Genre: Mystery, Horror, Drama, Psychological, Thriller, Police, Seinen.
Episodes: 74

Kenzō Tenma is a very talented japanese doctor whose life seems to be going the right way. He has a prestigious job, a respected place in the society and he is engaged with a beautiful and rich woman. Brain surgery is his specialty and he works in a german hospital whose director is his fiancee's father, Udo Heinemann. However the director is a greedy man who only cares for wealth and fame and orders Tenma to operate the VIP patients first and then the others even though they may need immediate help.At that time a girl and a boy that had been shot in the head arrived. Feeling guilty about letting a patient die because of the director's order Tenma decides to operate the boy that had arrived before the city's major believing that everyone's life should be treated the same. The boy's life was saved and the major died. From that day Tenma's life changed in way he couldn't ever imagine. He lost Eva(his fiancee) and his social position. Afterwards Director Heinemann and some other doctors were mysteriously killed and the children disappeared from the hospital. The police suspected Tenma because he was the only one who could benefit from these murders but they didn't have any evidence so they only asked him some questions. Nine years had to pass until the day when Tenma realized that he had saved a life of murderer,a real monster. Even though he knows that as a doctor he made the right choice now Tenma has to take responsibility for it. Will he be able to stop this "Monster" ?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

ALfheim Online Review

If you think that SAO is bad, wait untill you get a load of this shit. Alfehim Online is a light novel, written by the same author as SAO. But,instead of having SAO’s “fight for life” theme, we have the ultra-cheesy “save the princess ”theme. So, will this sequel be bad, or VERY bad? Let’s find out here.

After the battle against heathcliff, Kirito, and many of the survivors of SAO, logged out. But stangely enough, 160 players were still trapped in the “Nervegear”, giving no sight of life. One of them was Asuna. Egil (the bar-tender) saw a snapshot of a girl that looked like asuna, trapped in another VMMORPG, Alfehim Online (ALO). So Kirito buys the game (hopefully with Adblock this time), and logs in. The game was about.... fairies. One of the groups is called the Salamander, Asuna is called “Titania” and maybe some other detail that I skipped. What does this remind me about...?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sword Art Online Review

Ah, Sword Art Online. One of the most hyped anime of 2012. The big shot of the year. The disappointment of the year, if you ask me. But, that’s my first opinion. Will this anime turn out like Fallout 3, or just be an endless cycle like Everquest? Let’s find out. But this review will be different. I’ll review the game (SAO) and then the anime and the characters.
Let’s start with the game. Sword Art Online is a VMMORPG created by Kayaba Akihiko. The main story of the game is beating Castle Aincrad, by clearing all 100 floors and beating all the bosses. You can level up, and raise certain skills, like swordplay, archery etc. There is something that bothers me about it... COOKING? CRAFTING?  FISHING? BARTENDING?!!! WHY THE HELL ARE THESE SKILLS IN AN RPG GAME? Since the game is not on hardcore mode (or else only 5 people would’ve survived), these skills are mostly useless, and distract people from the main quest of the game:BEATING...THE....DAMN....CASTLE!!!!

Hokuto no Ken Review

Year: October 4, 1984 to February 18, 1988
Genre: Martial arts, Science-fiction, Post-apocalyptic.
Episodes: 152

Hokuto no Ken(Fist of the North Star) is an anime about brave warriors who fight for their ideals and to protect what they love. Kenshiro is the successor of the ultimate assassination style known as "Hokuto Shinken", a martial arts discipline which enables him to kill his adversaries by pressing their vital points and make them explode from within. "You are already dead. "- that's all Kenshiro says to his opponents when he has already struck their vital points. As he goes on his journey Kenshiro will have to face many strong opponents and some of them are his own brothers. Despite this Kenshiro always emerges victorious and always carries with himself the compassion and sadness for the men that he defeated. He has a very strong sense of justice, helps everyone in need and he is the true savior of this post apocalyptic world, the world which took away from him his beloved woman, Yuria. What has fate prepared for Kenshiro ? Will he ever be united with his love ?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blood Lad Review

Year: July 8, 2013 to September 9, 2013
Genre: Supernatural, Comedy, Vampire, Ecchi, Seinen.
Episodes: 10

Ever wanted to see an anime, where killing people, shooting a little boy into the heart with a bullet, seeing men shape-shift into mythical creatures, getting killed and then turning into a ghost seem like FUN? Then “Blood Lad” by Yuuki Kodama is for you. But, will it turn out a dark humor masterpiece, or just be a funny version of Corpse Party? Let’s find out in this review.

Opening: Let’s face it. If an anime has a good opening, there’s a 95% chance that it will be a good one. And blood lad’s opening soundtrack  is great! Musically speaking, it is a simple, catchy song.This song should be in your anime music playlist. (don’t worry, all of us have that, you don’t have to be ashamed. And if you don’t have one, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!)

Plot: blood lad talks about a girl named Fuyumi that “accidentally” gets into the demon world through a portal, and meets a Staz  Charle Blood, an otaku vampire (who apparently is stuck playing NES games and reading DB. Seriously? Update yourself dude) that owns many territories in the Eastern Demon World. After meeting Staz, she gets eaten by a carnivourus plant, thus turning to a ghost. Staz takes responsibility, and promises her to bring her back to life. They meet other characters, such as Bell, a treasure hunter that can use teleportation magic, Wolf, a shape-shifting werewolf , who is Staz’s bestie and also owns half of the Western Demon World, and Staz’s siblings, Braz (Dracula’s reincarnation) and Liz (looks like those dolls you see in horror movies). The plot goes downhill when the “love interests” show up. Fuyumi loves Staz, and Wolf loves Fuyumi. Where have I heard this before...?

Death Note Review

Year: October 3, 2006 to June 26, 2007
Genre: Supernatural, Thriller, Psychological, Mystery, Police.
Episodes: 37

What would you do if you saw a notebook of death gods fall from the sky right into your hands? Would you use it for your own purposes? Would you throw it away? Well a guy named Light Yagami thought of a more interesting way of using it.

When you are a perfect student like Light and aside from your super intelligence you also are good looking life can get boring for you, well at least so did for him. One day he
found a death note, maybe by pure chance or maybe it was his fate, which is a notebook that death gods(shinigami) use. The human whose name is written in this note shall die,that's the first rule of the death note.Light was very skeptical  about the note at first, thinking it was just a prank but than he decided to give it a try and well, it worked. He had just killed a criminal using the note and at that moment his world started to change and so did his sense of justice. As he vowed to himself to
get rid of all evil in this world things wouldn't go so
smoothly for him as a super detective appeared calling himself L. Light fell in L's trap and so the greatest intelligence battle in the world's history had begun.