Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blood Lad Review

Year: July 8, 2013 to September 9, 2013
Genre: Supernatural, Comedy, Vampire, Ecchi, Seinen.
Episodes: 10

Ever wanted to see an anime, where killing people, shooting a little boy into the heart with a bullet, seeing men shape-shift into mythical creatures, getting killed and then turning into a ghost seem like FUN? Then “Blood Lad” by Yuuki Kodama is for you. But, will it turn out a dark humor masterpiece, or just be a funny version of Corpse Party? Let’s find out in this review.

Opening: Let’s face it. If an anime has a good opening, there’s a 95% chance that it will be a good one. And blood lad’s opening soundtrack  is great! Musically speaking, it is a simple, catchy song.This song should be in your anime music playlist. (don’t worry, all of us have that, you don’t have to be ashamed. And if you don’t have one, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!)

Plot: blood lad talks about a girl named Fuyumi that “accidentally” gets into the demon world through a portal, and meets a Staz  Charle Blood, an otaku vampire (who apparently is stuck playing NES games and reading DB. Seriously? Update yourself dude) that owns many territories in the Eastern Demon World. After meeting Staz, she gets eaten by a carnivourus plant, thus turning to a ghost. Staz takes responsibility, and promises her to bring her back to life. They meet other characters, such as Bell, a treasure hunter that can use teleportation magic, Wolf, a shape-shifting werewolf , who is Staz’s bestie and also owns half of the Western Demon World, and Staz’s siblings, Braz (Dracula’s reincarnation) and Liz (looks like those dolls you see in horror movies). The plot goes downhill when the “love interests” show up. Fuyumi loves Staz, and Wolf loves Fuyumi. Where have I heard this before...?

-Ok,that was super awkward.... Moving on

 It’s also weird the whole part involving fuyumi’s mom, and the fact that she and bell are ¼ sisters (watch the anime if you’re confused, I won’t give anymore spoilers)
This anime got positive reviews by ccritics. One of it’s strong point is the art. Ther scenery looks fantastic. They made a great job with the eastern demon world (looks like japan), the western world (wild west), and the demon world acropolis (every dracula castle you’ve seen in castlevania).

The characters look gorgeous. All the male characters look cool and strong. But I don’t think that is the strong point. That one probably will be... 

If deadpool agrees, we all should...

The fighting scenes: they are really cool. Pretty shounen-like. Staz uses magic attacks, which are mostly  long range. He actuall tried to do this once:

Fuyumi pobably knew, that if  he said “-hameha”, Toriyama would sue them for 100000$. 

Being an otaku and all, he is obsessed with having a finishing move, like Heart Contrictions “ZIP”. Wolf, on the other hand, has physical magic power, which makes him lethal in close combat. He can shape-shift into a werewolf, although only for 3 minutes, since he is a half-breed werewolf.
There are 10 episodes of it, and one ova (that is probably episode 11, acccording to the manga). It was interruped, due to it catching up with the manga.  The manga is ongoing, so that means we can have hopes for a season 2.
Final opinion: it was a really good anime. It had great humor, the fighting scenes were amazing, the characters look awesome (it goes a bit overboard with the girls). The plot was a simple one, which is not nesecarily a bad thing. Although there were many ecchi scenes, which might make you forget that you are watching an anime, an make you think that you ended up “accidentaly” in an hentai page. (we all know, acccidentaly *winkwink*)
+ Simple plot
+ Good characters
+  Great humor and fighting scenes
- Too many ecchi scenes
- Girls sexualized
- Unnessecary love stories
Overall: 8.7/10
Do you think this anime shape-shifted into greatness, or that it sucked more than how much blood vampires do? Let us know in the comments. J

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